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We Want to Hear From You

Great Ideas Are Born from… Frustration? 

BW Manufacturing was founded on the idea that there had to be a better way to build surface preparation equipment. Our founder, Bruce Williams was an operator and mechanic of this type of equipment. He was familiar with the drawbacks of the equipment at the time and knew he could build something better, so as we all know, he did. 

To this day, BW appreciates and encourages our customers to share their feedback with us. We are not naive, we understand that the people operating and maintaining this equipment on a daily basis have the best understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of their model and how to improve it.

You Asked, We Answered.

Some of the best ideas have come from customer and manufacturer collaboration. On our original ride-on chassis, the SCB-1600 our customers told us they were frustrated having to shovel the dust out of the rear hopper on the chassis (understandably so). We completely redesigned our large chassis with a design that centered around a hydraulic dump bin in place of the rear hopper. This hydraulic dump bin was the most technologically advanced disposal feature at the time of inception and since the D-1800 was introduced, it has completely changed the way people view and build surface preparation equipment today.

ft4 1800 dump up hr white 1

Our latest large capacity vacuum, B-202 was born from customer suggestions and feedback. Frustrated with the old pilot valve system on our original A-202 vacuum, our customers asked us to find an alternative. After research and development, we completely overhauled the pulsation system on the 202 vac and implemented the electronic timer board system that is currently used. This updated system has offered more dependability, less maintenance and less headaches for technicians responsible for maintaining the equipment. Most importantly, this feature has saved our users countless hours of downtime due to outdated technology.

B 202 G hr white 2 1

Easy as 1, 2, 3.

Not all ideas are as completely groundbreaking as others. Some of the suggestions we have received are as simple as a dead battery. On our large vac models, users were leaving the switch on for extended periods of time resulting in constantly dead batteries. Recently, we have added a low voltage cut off switch to all of our gas vacuums that will automatically shut off once dropped to a certain voltage.

We have also taken customer suggestions on adding strobe lights on the D-1800 chassis for outdoor roadwork. We found out that our customers were adding these lights on their own and thought, “Why don’t we just do it for them?”. After that, all D-1800-FT4 chassis come stock with amber strobe lights from the factory that help our customers easily stay in compliance with their state DOT guidelines.

We Want to Hear From You.

In the effort of constant improvement, we have added a dedicated form on our website for your feedback. Share with us your small or large ideas, tell us how you can build it better than we can and what you would do differently. We cannot promise you that every idea will be used, and some may have already been tried and failed. We can promise we will listen and consider any suggestion that comes from one of our valued customers though.

We are in this together. We want to continue to build the best available surface preparation equipment and we want you to continue to use the best equipment available to you. With a little bit of collaboration, we can continue to offer new, groundbreaking technology that allows you to do your job easier and more efficiently.

Drop us a note: Click this link, select “Feedback” and let us know your simple or extraordinary ideas.

BW Manufacturing has no obligation to implement, credit or acknowledge any Contact Us form submittals. The information provided will only be reviewed internally at BW Manufacturing.

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